13 December 2012

My actual hair (1)

Hair maniac. Yes, it's me now. About a month ago I started to pay attention what I put on my hair. I started to analyze shampoo ingredients and make homemade conditioners out of herbs, flowers and edible stuff. I love using natural methods. Now I'm more aware and can share my knowledge with you, if you only wish. I can write about natural hair gel, natural conditioners, best homemade hair bands that won't damage your hair or what is a good alternative for shapmoos from the shops. Just tell me if you're interested!

{about the picture:} This is how my hair looked like in September and October. This bad condition was caused by sun and I hope they look much better now.
Włosowy maniak. Tak, to teraz i ja;)  około miesiąc temu zaczęłam przykładać uwagę do tego, co nakładam na włosy. Zaczęłam analizować składy szamponów, robić domowe maski z ziół, kwiatów i produktów spożywczych. Uwielbiam naturalne metody. Teraz jestem bardziej świadoma i mogę podzielić się skrawkiem wiedzy, który już mam. Mogę napisać o naturalnym żelu do włosów, naturalnych odżywkach, najlepszych domowych gumkach do włosów lub jaka jest alternatywa dla sklepowych szamponów. Powiedzcie tylko, czy jesteście zainteresowani!

{odnośnie zdjęcia:} Tak moje włosy wyglądały we wrześniu i październiku. Zły stan był spowodowany głównie słońcem. Mam nadzieję, że teraz już wyglądają o niebo lepiej.

I'm waiting for your opinion,


  1. I'd love to learn more! I've been experimenting with natural skin care (olive oil, cold pressed coconut oil, almond oil, aloe vera...) for some time now, and feel I'm ready for some natural hair care as well.


  2. I would also love to hear more. I've been using lots of organic face products (by Kibio) but would love to know about some truly natural hair care products.


  3. yes, dear girl...
    do share...what you have discovered
    in the natural world of hair care!

  4. I've been kind of obsessed with natural care for my hair and the rest of my body, for a year or so, so yes I would love to read some of your recipes!
    ps: Your hair looks magical, even damaged by the sun!

  5. i've recently switched to sulfate free hair care but i feel like there are even better options out there. i would love to learn more about natural products— especially how to make my own!

  6. very interested! hope you will share!

  7. I'd love to hear what you've been doing! I'm trying to downsize the amount of non-natural materials in our house and any tips or tricks would be appreciated.

  8. I¡m new on your blog and I would definitely like to hear about those tips!
